Sarah Avery, MA, LMFT

Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy


Individual Counseling

We feel better and are more balanced people, parents and partners when we understand ourselves, our behavior and the patterns in our lives.  Sometimes, looking at these patterns, and the patterns of those around us, can be too much to do alone.  Maybe the obstacle is specific; perhaps it is hard to identify.  With a safe and sensitive guide, you can find the space to explore what is happening and experience the validation and insight that will take you to the places you want to go.

Couples Counseling

Even when they’re good, relationships can be hard.  Challenges are par for the course.  Sometimes, though, we need some extra, neutral support to help us move beyond issues or patterns that are frustrating or hurtful.  Maybe it feels like the spark is gone or that intimacy is lacking.  Maybe you’re having the same fight time and again and just can’t find a way out of the patterns that get you there.  Maybe there are topics that feel too sensitive to explore on your own, or you can't seem to find the words to say how you are feeling.  Therapy can provide a safe and contained space to explore what IS working, what feels bad, and what each of you needs and wants out of the relationship.  In the safety of my office, these tough topics can be explored in a blame-free, caring, balanced, solution-focused way.  Whether you want to strengthen your relationship, find your way through a breakup, or manage divorce issues, therapy can help.  

(For couples in acute crisis, I also offer a quarterly “Couples 911 Intensive Weekend.” It’s just the two of you + me, and 3 consecutive days to truly get to the bottom of what’s going on and design a real way forward. Email me for more details.)

Family Therapy

No family is perfect.  It can be hard to navigate the complexity of family life and the dynamics of the relationships involved.  Family therapy provides a skilled and caring guide to help reduce conflict, improve communication, contain crisis and find new ways of being.  Therapy can allow for a blame-free environment and allow each member to feel seen, heard and understood. There are solutions for even the toughest situations.  Call today and help your family begin a path toward healing.

EMAIL NOW to schedule an appointment.

Sarah Avery, MA, LMFT    *     Marriage and Family Therapist • 805-722-5367• CO MFT #1062 • CA MFT #52547